The Verdi Tuning

Saving Voices
Anthony Morss, retired conductor and member of the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus, delivers a compelling history of the development of Verdi's proper tuning of A=432hz on June 30, 2017.

Anthony Morss - Saving Grace, Saving Voices
Anthony Morss - Saving Grace, Saving Voices

Return to Verdi Tuning
Part 3 from "The Classical Revolution" featuring a number of leading proponents of going back to the Verdi pitch of A=432 Hz: soprano Renata Tebaldi, baritone Piero Cappuccilli, Lyndon LaRouche and Liliana Gorini (initiators of the Schiller Institute's campaign for the Verdi Tuning), soprano Antonella Banaudi and Maestro Daniel Lipton.

Return to Verdi Tuning

Carlo Bergonzi Interview on Tuning
June 9, 1993 WQXR interview with renowned tenor Carlo Bergonzi and the Schiller Institute's Kathy Wolfe on the Verdi Tuning.

Bergonzi Interview on Tuning
Bergonzi Interview on Tuning

Piero Cappucilli Demonstrates the Verdi Tuning

Scientific and Historical Background
For more on the scientific basis for the Verdi tuning, and the historical fight to make it once again the standard tuning pitch around the world, see the article:
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    followed this page 2016-08-05 19:57:53 -0400
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